Thanks for all your replies, guys. E for effort for all of those whose
brains became full, hurt badly, or whose head exploded messily when
reading my original post.
I think I asked Bernd sometime long ago about those swirly things you
put into your intake tube and was set straight. Half of that stuff out
there is just plain snake oil, eh?
Bernd D. Ratsch wrote:
> I agree with Alan...used it myself and really wasn't impressed with it at
> all. Leaving it on though for a official Dyno run this weekend...just to
> make sure.
> - Bernd
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: DML: Air Velocity WAS TB Spacer
> Scientific reasoning aside, myself, as well as others, have experimented
> with t/b
> spacers. For my 5.9 auto didn't see any power increase or extra mpg.
> I race quite a bit, so I know what works and what doesn't(for me).
> I used a helix power aid 1" spacer with "swirl" ports for about a month,
> then I
> took it off and sold it.
> The guy I sold it to did the same...sold it again.
> Do yourself a favor and look elsewhere for power, you're wasting your time.
> Just trying to help.
> Alan S.
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