> After two days, it was finally done and I picked it up
> yesterday. Well, first thing I notice is that the axle is
> bare metal--no paint at all. The next is that they used
> bright frigg'n orange sealant to put the pumpkin cap on and
> it was done very sloppily.
I would make them paint it! The warranteed one was painted
right! RAISE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> 2. Isn't there supposed to be a gasket for the pumpkin cap
> and if so, why did they use sealant?
No gasket on the my 98 9.25SG pumpkin and I know because
I've had it off to change the gear lube.
> 4. Did I get a lemon (I'm also on my third transmission)
> and should I sell my truck before my regular warranty
> expires (got the 60K extended, but not sure I want to start
> paying deductibles if its going to do stuff like this to
> me)?
Unbelieveable! especially for an NV-3500. I hope THIS SERVICE
DEPARTMENT isn't responsible for all your tranny problems. I
mean what are the odds of getting 3 bad NV-3500s? Sounds
astronomical and very fishy to me. Myself, I would have to
unload the Dak or the dealership. Better yet it sounds like
you have a case, maybe make some phone calls to the regional
manager or DC. Anyone have any other ideas?
Either way I hope it works out for ya Jason!
GS -
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