spankin a chubby and rustang(well not really)

From: larry brown (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2000 - 00:30:58 EST

Well I was sitting a red light when this punk kid in
daddy truck pulls up beside me and raises his window
down and has his buddy tell me to take my PIECE OF
S*@T dodge home (that pissed me off) so I tell him a
few choice words and tell him to get ready at the next
green. Well to make a long story short he jumped
ahead of me at first (about a hood length) but when I
shifted to second I blew his doors off and he followed
me onto the interstate and He couldn't stay with me on
top end either. Well on my way back to work this
newer style mustang pulls up real close to my rear as
I merge off the interstate (needless to say road rage
was kicking in about this time) and he whips around me
on the exit ramp and slows down in front of me which
just makes me angrier. At the light my poor little
6'er who could just didn't against the ferd, but I
didn't feel bad because it was a brand new stang with
the v-8 and unlike SuperViperTruck I have no umph!
under the hood. Just had to get that off my chest.

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