No info about the tonneau but you can check out the electric coolers
that plug into cig lighter. They work pretty good and need no ice.
Dr. Pat
>From: Andy Levy <>
>To: "" <>
>Subject: DML: Keeping things cool?
>Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2000, 4:17 AM
> The last couple days I've been thinking about how I'm going to use my
> vacation time, and was thinking about a week-long road trip (where? not
> sure yet. The U.P. of Michigan sounds good). Wherever I go, I'm going
> to stay at campgrounds, rather than hotels, and that means a cooler full
> of food.
> I'm hoping to have a tonneau by then, but that means tons of heat in the
> bed. How can I keep this thing cool in the summer? I'll be buying 10
> pounds of ice a day if the bed with a tonneau collects heat like I think
> it will. Does anyone make a cover that's got some kind of
> heat-reflecting layer sandwiched in it?
> Upside of having a black truck: 10 degrees outside, park/cruise in the
> sun, 40 degrees inside.
> --
> -andy
> ---
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