Re: Re: 360 acquired

From: mike d. (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 23:33:59 EST

>>Becoming a V6/V8 trader eh Mike.......uh huh I see how it is! Just
glad to hear things are coming along. Any idea yet what axle you are you
going to use? What does the time frame look like for full 'Project 13s'
completion??Good Luck and be sure to keep us update, as I am sure you

yeeaaahhh... I hopped the fence... (hanging head in shame)

I'm still in the air on axle choices. I have a buddy out here that has a
phone number of a place that will shorten and rig up and a 8 3/4 rear
nice and cheap... 3.92 LSD will probably happen.
Project 13's will be long in the making, but I have a new daily driver
(84 VW rabbit deisel) so my dak can go into the shop right away...
I'll let the list know exactly what was involved play-by-play in case any
other 6ers wanna hop the fence too =)

right now I'm tranny shoppin', and I may have to get a gas tank out of a
95 Dak... I'll keep the list posted =)

-mike d.

---> Yorktown, Va.
88 Dakota LE: slammed, painted, and fixin' to get a 360 Magnum!! =)

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