I'dd like a pic of your setup and a drawing of the spacer. The '95 Sport is
now owned by my son and he might be interested in the wheels. Thanks
Gilbert Vega
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2000 11:54 AM
Subject: Re: DML: r/t wheels on a '96
>If anyone is curious as to what they wheels look like on a gen II dak I can
email a
>side pic to you. Or, if someone that has a website wants to post them there
>send to pic to you and then post the link. They will not have the new tires
>but you can't really tell. BTW, I can mail out drawings of the wheel spacer
>anyone that wants a copy. From a look at a durango and some measurements
>should work on a '97 up dak also. All you have to do is have a metal shop
make up a
>set at whatever spacing you need (wouldn't personally go over 1/4") and you
>have a set of spacers specifically for the dakota. When I get mine in i'll
take pics
>of them before and after they are placed over the studs. I can even take a
pic of
>the lugnuts and give info on them also if needed. They should be able to be
used on
>a variety of wheels. Trying to help out.
>Jeff Durling
>'96 RC Sport-318
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