(no subject)

From: Tim J Koth (Tim.J.Koth@aexp.com)
Date: Wed Mar 01 2000 - 11:50:16 EST

        Well if you look at the photos on the website of the cam drive and
chain setup, I wouldn't think that there is a complete gear setup made that
would reach to the cams. And if it was, I'd be willing to bet that the drag
would be a helluva lot worse than the chain setup is. Just my opinion of
course. The URL for the photos is


Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 07:15:16 -0800
From: Stlaurent Mr Steven <STLAURENTS@mctssa.usmc.mil>
Subject: DML: RE: RE: RE: Forged Pistons question-Sam 4.7L pistons

When I have the opportunity and the covers off I go for the direct drive
gearing versus chain.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Steven St.Laurent
Test Engineer
Test Branch, GSD,MCTSSA
mailto:stlaurents@mctssa.usmc.mil (work)
mailto:Saint1958@home.com (home)
Office: (760) 725-2296

- -----Original Message-----
From: Barret, Matt [mailto:MATT_BARRET@earthtech.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 4:38 AM
To: 'dakota-truck@buffnet.net'
Subject: DML: RE: RE: Forged Pistons question-Sam 4.7L pistons

Tim, I did'nt see anything in that article about double or single roller
timing chain?? maybe I missed it?? At any rate, single/double, unless you
are drag racing for a living you'd never see a difference. Everytime I
changed a timing set I always used double, but thats because they last
longer. No instant performance gain!


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