> Hmm? Very interesting. I've heard that before, that the prob isn't the
> headers-it's the y-pipes and stuff. Maybe I'll just change out the
> y-pipe(jba) and intermediate pipe and cat and see what perf I get. I can
> always add the headers later.
Dr. Pat
> The stock pipes and cat are even worse. Two 2", maybe smaller very crimped
> pipes going into a cat that has a 2.5" outlet is just plain JUNK for
> performance. They were a BIG restriction. IMHO just putting a 3"
> intermediete pipe, the flowmaster collector and making a 2.5" into 3"
> y-pipe is worth more than the headers.
> On the upside I think Mopar did a pretty good job in designing the
> manifolds. They aren't that heavy and sometimes I wonder if the headers are
> really outflowing the maifolds by that much.
> -George
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