
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 17:30:54 EDT

Funny you should ask as I was talking to Unitrax about new gears a couple of
days ago... I have a '98 and I'm almost positive our front axles are the same,
which means they are roughly a dana 35. So, we can go to 4.10 gears pretty
easily in the front. I left my notes at home but if memory serves, the front
gears were in the neighborhood of $200. Strangely enough the rear is a bigger
problem/more expensive to stuff the 4.10's into. I think they were in the
neighborhood of $300 + some kit or replacement parts that brought it up near
$400 for the rear gears & kit alone. I'm really not positive of these numbers
but it started adding up too quickly for me to justify 'em... Of course I'd
have to tack on labor to install them as I don't have the proper equipment to
set them up correctly.

To answer your question though, 4.10's are possible on a '98 (and therefore I
believe a '97) kota 4x4.
Good luck!
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Subject: DML: Lift/Gears...?
Author: <>
Date: 4/3/00 3:15 PM


        Okay...I now have a 3" body lift & 3" (Rancho) suspension lift, I also
swapped out the rear leaf spring 2" blocks for 3" blocks
and cranked up my torsion bars about an inch. This now gives my a total of 7"
of lift. I bought 33"x12.50" BF Goodrich All Terrain's, but I
know I can squeeze 35"x12.50"s. (if I crank up the torsion bars another inch
and add 4" blocks instead of 3" for the rear)
I was told I can't change my gears front gears because they were "maxed out". I
have a 97 Club Cab Sport 4X4 with the 318. The current gears
are 3:92 with 8-1/4" rear. (That is the reason I decided for the 33"s.) Is
this really true that the front is maxed out? I am not a mechanic,
but I would think that if I can upgrade the rear gears with no problem, I should
be able to upgrade the front as well? The mechanic who
told me this said I needed a 99 Durango front differential/axle from in order to
change the gears....
Is anyone running 35"s on a 97?

-Mike Brown
Pasadena, MD
97 -Sport
Club Cab 318

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