Re: DML:check this out

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 14:28:40 EDT

Hehehe...try it. It works. I heard about this from my brother in law over
6 years ago and actually tried it on a speeding ticket I received. That
ticket was never on my record. Last year, on my way in through the Texas
border, I received a ticket for doing 75 in a 70mph zone. The ticket was
$60 and I sent in $65. That ticket hasn't showed up yet.

So...hoax, legend, truth, worked for me. (And the info on it came
from a CHP...not an email.)


- Bernd

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim J Koth" <>
/Subject: Re: DML:check this out

> HAHA !!! The first time I tried to send this to the list, my email system
> at work quarantined it on the way out !! It identified it as a chain
> I'll edit out the lines that I put in identifying email chain letters and
> again... sheesh!
> Thanks for posting the truth!!! That thing is nothing more than another
> of an email chain letter!
> Just think, how can someone possibly know how EVERY states computer system
> works. They're all different for the most part. They may be networked and
> interfaced, but they all aint the same !! It may actually work for a few
> municpalities or state systems, but ALL of them? I just wonder who gets
> jollies by making crap like this up and sending it out.
> People, if you get an email and anywhere in it it has any of the following
> phrases it is bullsh_t and shouldn't be sent to the list:
> "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
> "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Sorry... had to remove so my mailer would allow
> note through!
> "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Maybe someone could post the items... But then I
> probably wouldn't get that DML digest if it contained those keywords..

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