>You should have 2 little screws on the side of th fuel metering block,right
>behind the front fuel bowl. Get yourself a vacum guage and adjust these idle
>screws until you receive the highest vacum reading. In leans out the mixture,
>out richens it up.
>Also make sure to check you're fuel bowl level so it does'nt lean out at
>there should be a brass plug screwed into the side of the fuel bowl, with the
>engine running take this plug out and check the level if it's correct you'll
>have a small amount of gas trickleing out of the hole if its to low unlock
>the nut on the top middle of the fuel bowl and adjust the screw till you get
>the trickle if it's to high adjust the screw back until you get a trickle
>you'll probably have to play with it a bit but when you get it set you
>should'nt have to mess with it again. Good Luck.
>MrDakota 95
Yeah, those too - forgot all about those. Been runnin' an Eelbrock too long.
Correct, umm, MrDakota95. You can also use a tach. Either way, when your
done adjusting, both screws should be out the same amount of turns. Once
you get the highest RPM reading, or the highest vacuum reading, go 1/2 turn
If you have a worn engine or a large cam, using a vacuum gauge can be
tricky since it's bouncing around.
Correct on fuel level adjustment. Easiest way to adjust it without excess
fuel leakage is to use a flat screwdriver on the top of te float bowl, back
out the top screw a turn or two, then tighten the nut to lower the fuel
level. Keep the screwdriver on the screw and turn it as you turn the nut,
or fuel will spew from it. Get the nut in a couple turns then start the
motor, goose the throttle a couple times, take the bowl plug out and check
fuel level. Reverse the procedure to raise the fuel level till it just
starts to look like it wants to trickle out, little trickle out is ok, too
much and you'll get overly rich on hard excells and hard brakes as the
float bounces on and off the seat - with the fuel so high, it'll overfill
the bowl and dump fuel down the venturii. Same procedure for the secondary
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