Re: Radiator taking a beating

From: Todd Abernathy (
Date: Thu Apr 13 2000 - 01:21:19 EDT

There are screen inserts that pop onto the front of the grill you can
order and even have painted to match. I'm not sure if they make them for
the openings in the air dam too. I have seen them in catalogs and I
don't like the way they look, so the project I'm working on now is to
make a screen that will set in the motor compartment between the grill
and radiator. I cut a frame 24" X 21" out of window screen framing,
placed black aluminum screen in the frame and to support it I bent 1/8"
construction wire (the type of wire used on Guinea Pig cages) around the
back and over the sides of the frame. I had painted the construction
wire flat black. To keep it from scratching anything I ran duct tape
down the outside of the frame and then coated it with liquid electrical
tape. I used some silicone sealant on the inside of the frame to help
seal the duct tape to the screen. That is were I am on the project.
Tomorrow I will figure out how to attach the screen to the truck frame.
The bottom will just set on the inside bottom of the air dam, the left
side will fit behind the plastic cover on the left side of the radiator,
so the only place it will need secured is on the right side. The project
has taken about 4 hours and cost about $50.
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