Jeesh. That really sucks. That guy is full of $%i^. Well, after all, if
it's just a low quality camper shell, then why the hell is it $1200 bucks?!
I don't have a snugtop (nor will I be getting one now!), but I have had
other caps and the fit and finish on them has been fine. A $1200 snugtop
should NOT have leaky windows! I'll be spending my money on an A.R.E. Z
series cap.
Good luck and thanks for the warning.
> []On Behalf Of Todd Abernathy
> Sent: Monday, May 01, 2000 11:36 PM
> Saturday, I took delivery of my Snugtop campershell. Later Saturday I
> found that one of the windows leaked, upon closer inspection I found that
> he basically said I was being too picky after all it was just a
> campershell. And my point was for $1,2XX I thought the shell should be
> Anyone else have a Snugtop, Hi-Liner? Any problems?
> BTW if you want good customer service avoid Mid-America Truck Tops.
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