Re: Milodon Gear Drive - Final Notes

Date: Fri Jun 23 2000 - 19:52:19 EDT

Really, Bernd... where do you get all the money to do this "trail and error"
runs on your truck? As I know, you've gone ahead and done the NOS, the
intake, heads porting? and basically everything else that can be done to the
v6 engine, you've done it... Where do you get the $$$? if you've got that
much left over, send it over here! hehe.

<< If you're interested in one for your Magnum, they work. If you don't like
 gear/jingling noise (whining) then these are not for you. Between the
 Dbl-Roller Chain and the Gear Drive...well, it's personal preference.
 Eventually, I'm probably going to put the chain back in. (The noise gets
 annoying after a while in stop and go traffic.)
 - Bernd >>

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