----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Costello <v8magrt@hotmail.com>
To: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Cc: <mark_pryer@hotmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 4:53 AM
Subject: Subject: DML: Re: 91 Dakota conversion questions..... Project Semi
> Hey all,
> >>>Hey I am wanting to swap a 360 in place of my v6. I also have a
>>>>91, but the fact is it will cost a lot of money.
> Maybe.....
> >>>>>You have to make new motor mounts,
> Can't you use the factory V8 engine mounts?
** I dont think they will fit, for some reason. Maybe they will?
> >>>>>switch the wiring harnesses
> Do you really have to? Couldn't you just run the throttle body? A kind of
Holley Projection unit.....
> *That is if you wanted to run the Cpu, it would be cheaper than
going to a Holley system and easier to use and *maintain.
> >>>>and the tranny for a beefier one,
> Granted..... But the A500 is what they use in the V8 trucks also True?
> *Not sure.
> >>>>new cpu, the fuel lines need to be changed,
> *The cpu's are programmed different in v6 and v8s. Dunno bout the
fuel lines, might ask Mike D. He told me *once and I forgot. Also you
might check your gauges, if they are electric, mine are, then that is less
wiring work and *in turn will save you some money on the install.
> Why?
> >>>>need a new radiator
> Agreed.....and fan shroud too
> I'm just trying to understand better what I'm getting myself into....
Thanks again.....
> *It is a big job. are you gonna go with any performance stuff? Bore the
engine out? When I get ready to do this I am gonna rebuild it with very few
performance goodies to save some cash. Then as I go I will add them. Good
> Tim
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