Re: RE:V6 Fuel Injectors; was Curing Cold Rough Idle

From: Kyle Kozubal (
Date: Mon Jul 31 2000 - 17:24:12 EDT

> Yup...the IAS (also known/called AIS) is on the back. If you just
> it not too long ago, I wouldn't worry about it.
> The injectors run about $180 for a set (V8) which will also leave you with
> two extras...just in case.

Since I have really never messed around with that part of the fuel system,
how hard would it be to take them out and put new ones in? Time-wise? Now
this $180 or so for the V8 just seems cheap. Are these the Ford
injectors? Are they a 100% exact swap? What is the rating on the stock
injectors? I remember you sating something about #19 are the Ford ratings,
are these higher than the stock ones I have? The only time I priced
injectors are through Magnum Performance's catalog, and Jules wanted $299
for a 'matched/bl;ueprinted set' of V6 injectors. I just called the dealer
and they want $132 for ONE injector for my truck! A quick call to a local
auto part stores revealed they want $113 for ONE injector!! Alot of shops
dont even carry them and cant even give me a price on them. Heck, the $299
for Jules' V6 set is starting to look better. Just how hard and foolproof
are they to install??????
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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