Chill out guys! There is on e 4.7 ported TB from Tony. He is still
testing it. It will improve the hp. Look at his prior success. If you
don't believe it, then go buy some one else's product and shut up. Tony
is a great guy and one of the first ones to put up product for a raffle,
replace his product if there are any problems. He definitely stands
behind his product. To go after him because he has not had time to get
and publish the hp numbers on the 4.7 TB is whining. Stop with the
public harassment crap. i certainly hope all those out there with his
TB on their truck now will stand up and be counted!!!!
Tony does not ONLY sell Dakota stuff. He has a life and a real job that
pays the bills. He is not retired like other TB porters are. His life
does not revolve around TB porting and the DML. How would you like your
boss to harass you 24/7???????
Chill out. If you want one his TBs, get it. You will be pleased with
the results. If you want hard numbers, then get someone else's. It is
almost a guarantee that even if he put out hard RWHP numbers, that yours
would be different. Then you would something else to complain about and
another excuse to justify your existence.
And you wonder why some of the old hard core DML-ers have left???
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