Re: Need information on 4.7 Thermostat

Date: Sat Oct 07 2000 - 16:43:23 EDT

    Stay with the 180. 160 too cold. Step 1> (2) 8mm. bolts. Drain plug is
8mm allen wrench on housing opposite the hose flange. (Prepare for an
anti-freeze bath) Pull hose toward radiator and pull out the thermostat.
Tight working quarters in there. I got 1 bolt from top and 1 from bottom.
USE OLD GASKET. It is real soft rubber.
    IMPORTANT>> You will have to file a notch in the outside edge of the new
thermostat. See the old one for an example. There is a notch on the inside
groove of the gasket also a tit on the outside lip of the gasket(cut it off).
Now drill a tiny hole 1/32" in the flange of the thermostat. You will see
where the check ball is on the factory t'stat, this lets the air out when you
start up. Put this hole up. Make sure you install the t'stat with the copper
bulb facing the Block and not in the hose flange.

SEMIHEMI01 (Bill C.) 2001 QC, 4.7L, 5spd. 3.55 LSD, K-N Cool-Air, SilBlades,
10w-30 MOBIL 1, 180 T'STAT, GIBSON 3" single side swept cat-back, G-TECH,
<A HREF="">"THE DAK"</A>

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