If VA's laws are like most states, (may or may not), they wouldn't have
been able to get him on Hit and Run anyway because you caught him. Don't
ask me why, but if you talk to them before the police it's just an
everyday accident. Happened to a friend of mine a few months ago. Sorry
to hear about your damage, hope the repairs are speedy and good.
David Gloff
Computer Technician
Valcom Professional Computer Center; Kemper/Scudder/Zurich Funds
aolim: dgloff
Loaded Intense Blue '99 Dakota Sport CC 318 5-speed 3.92SG
F&B Stage I TB, Keystone/Proglass Ram Air Hood, 14x3" K&N, Sir Michael's
Roll Pan, Custom monochrome paint
If ignorance is bliss, liberals must be the happiest people on earth
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