And there you have it. An age-old rule to go by: REGULAR MAINTENANCE
- Bernd
> That website I read recommended standard oil. They said that yes synthetic is
> better than standard oil, but in temperature ranges well beyond that of a
> normal engine. Your engine would be a toasted mess long before you saw the
> benefits of synthetic. Personally I'd only run full synth in a forced
> induction engine. I'll be running it in my new 6 liter. I'll probably use
> dino for the 1st 500 miles, then switch after that.
> They recommended oil changes every 5000 miles. They say mileage how
> almost nothing to do with the breakdown of oil, it's the acid created my
> crankcase gases (mostly blowby) that thins the oil and causes it to lose it's
> effectiveness. They said that the best thing you can do to prlong your engine
> is not adding crap to your oil, but by making sure you have a very good
> crankcase breathing system. Make sure your PVC valve isn't stuck, and that
> your breathers aren't clogged. You get the most wear in the first 10 seconds
> before the oil has a chance to circulate and wash away this acid. They said
> that if you count to ten in between starting your truck and actually putting
> it in gear, you can increase your engine life twofold. I will be following
> this practice from now on.
> -Austin
> Vipertruck
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