offtopic; but true to life

Date: Thu Oct 12 2000 - 00:51:01 EDT


When you are sad,........ I will get you drunk and
help you plot revenge against the scum sucking
bastard,(or bitch) who made you sad.

When you are scared,..... I will laugh at you and
tease you about it every chance I get, Then I will
make sure you know you're never alone.

When you are worried,.... I will tell you how much
worse it could be and to quit complaining, then I
will hug you, and tell you it'll be OK.

When you are confused,... I will use little words
to explain it to your dumb ass.

And when you are lost,... I will answer my cell
phone and give you directions.

When you are sick........ I will hold your hair
while you pay homage to the porcelain God.

When you fall............ I will point and laugh at
your clumsy ass. Then I will hold out my hand and
help you up.

This is my oath: I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask? Because you're my friend, and the
whole reason people have friends is to have fun, and
to know that even in your darkest hour, you're never

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