Well, now that we've had a couple days to learn the new settings...
With the air horns gone and the bores cleaned out and opened up, the
engine's no longer wheezing (I could actually hear it wheezing before as
the air tried to get around the horns and through the TB). It now GULPS
air. The torque/power band is definitely stronger, but I think it moved
up the RPM range a tad. The engine ROARS now once it starts pulling,
and it pulls a lot longer. I never had a problem with running out of
breath before, but it's got even bigger lungs now.
I don't have a dyno run, but I don't need one. This thing made a HUGE
difference in acceleration, and it feels like it "cruises" easier on the
If the belly pan gasket truly is blown, I think I'm going to ask them to
NOT fix it. Then I'll buy the MPI. No sense in replacing a shaky stock
part with another when there's a performance part out there, right?
As for the dealer, these guys get one more chance to do right by me. If
I'm not happy when I leave Wednesday night, I'll be asking for the
regional rep. I don't know what I'm going to do about a new dealer at
this point though, the 2 closest to where I live and work are on my
sh*tlist. The other 2 I know about around here are 20 miles away, and
one of them is one of those small-town places that barely even has a
Chuck Robbins wrote:
> Be sure to let us know your impressions, Andy. Hopefully it's everything
> you've been waiting for and more. Keep in the back of your mind, though
> that the blown belly pan gasket is robbing some power. And yep, time
> for a new gasket :-( And while you're at it, get a new dealer at the same
> time. Oh, my TB gasket stuck to the TB as well ... belly pan gasket intact.
> Chuck Robbins
> '99 Intense Blue Dakota Sport
> www.intense99dak.com
> 10-14 5:52
> > Well, I installed my QuickD TB just a few minutes ago. And I found
> > something very, VERY scary. When I pulled the stock TB, the sweet
> > stench of petroleum hit my like a ton of bricks. The gasket was loosley
> > stuck to the TB (I expected it to adhere to the intake manifold), and
> > had a thin film of an oily substance on it. As did its mating surface
> > on the manifold. Looked at the inside of the TB, and the "engine side"
> > of the vanes was COATED with what looks, feels and smells like oil.
> > Hopped up on the bumper, and shone a flashlight into the belly of the
> > beast.
> >
> > There is a film coating the ENTIRE inside of the intake manifold. I
> > reached a finger inside to touch it. Either it's oil or a VERY
> > convincing substitute.
> >
> > Well, we now know what's causing my ping, don't we? I probably don't
> > even HAVE a belly-pan gasket!
> >
> > This after Sam Dell Dodge told me they checked for an intake manifold
> > leak 2 weeks ago. I go back in on Thursday for them to re-examine the
> > ping. An earful they sahll receive.
> >
> > Please excuse me whilst I take the truck out for a spin to teach the
> > computer a few new things - and see what kind of balls the TB gave it.
> > --
> > -andy
> >
> > http://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@bigfoot.com
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > "We like AMD. The enemy of our enemy is our friend."
> > --- Jonathan Schwartz Sun senior vice president
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@bigfoot.com ------------------------------------------------------------- "We like AMD. The enemy of our enemy is our friend." --- Jonathan Schwartz Sun senior vice president -------------------------------------------------------------
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