Date: Tue Oct 17 2000 - 23:57:55 EDT

Guess I'll be doing the 360 swap sooner than expected...

<< In response to your request on my thoughts about "Improved Airflow Filters"
 I give you these ........
 An air filter is exactly that a filter....if you take it off you get less
 restricted flow but full of dirt .Burning dirt is secretly known to decrease
 the liklyhood of a tailgater behind you and gives off a nice show in the
 dark.....but on the downside you replace your whole engine every 5000miles
 just the filter.
 So K&N had a huge brainstorm with all the local dirtburners and came up with
 a really expensive air filter full of holes that you can plug with there
 really expensive special oil after a regular cleaning with expensive
 cleaner. There was only one more detail to work out.....How do you sell an
 oil filled holey airfilter to the masses ?
 I got it......tell them it makes it go worked they now sell
 those things to
 every teenage cavalier driver out there so they can have a "racecar"
 Have a nice day

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