Re: FW: Converter early lock-up

From: Mark Jackson (
Date: Sat Oct 28 2000 - 21:54:45 EDT

I've got the same setup but year 2000. 5.9, 46RE, and Quad. I've been
having this question on the number of actual gears the tranny has. The
window sticker says it's a 4spd auto. A friend of mine says that it's a 3
speed with an overdrive. I've read through the manual and it says with the
overdrive button pushed in (off) the overdrive doesn't kick in. But when I
do this, I can feel the truck shift four times with the overdrive off. So
here is the question. Is it a four speed + the overdrive (seemingly 5
shifts) or is it a three speed + overdrive (seemingly 4 shifts).

P.S. If I've been driving and it shifts all four times with the overdrive
off (not engaged) and I engage it, it "shifts" again. I don't think I got a
free bonus gear or something.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Miller" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 28, 2000 3:32 PM
Subject: Re: DML: FW: Converter early lock-up

> > Subject: Coverter early lock-up
> >
> > Good Morning,
> > I own a 2001 Dakota Q/Cab (sorry it's not a R/T)
> > however I do have a 5.9 and 46RE Auto.
> > That being, does everyoneslock-up converter come in (lock-up) at about
> > 40mph?
> > Mine does and it actual gives a bit of a bog to the engine
> > under normal driving.
> My 99 R/T locks up at about 40 unless I have my foot in it. I have to
> down about 1/2 way to unlock it.
> I don't have a bog problem but I have the 3.92 rear end. I can see that
> might bog a little with the 3.55 gears.
> I believe you may be able to change the lockup speed by adjusting the
> that goes from the throttle body to the transmission. There has been much
> discussion about this. You would only want to move the cable a very small
> amount though.
> Others that have adjusted their cable please comment here also.
> Jim in Waco
> > Is there a way to change the lock-up
> > speed i.e. in the valve body or other way? Also, is there an electronic
> > govenor/ on the Dakota?. BTW I have a 9.25 3:55 gear
> > in my Dak. with the 16" Tire & Handling package.
> >
> It is my understanding that the converter lockup is controlled by the
> computer (sbec etc)

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