I am going to hear a lot of sh*t for this and i can
see the next two week thread comming but the best
sounding V6 exaust i have had (stock, dynomax ,
and yes i had all three was the Gibson . It had a nice
low kinda rumbel at a idle but it sounded half harrie
going under a underpass and down shifting :) had a
real sound of its own
--- "Scott E. Stinson" <onelowdakota@hotmail.com>
> DML:
> I am sure at least one of you fine folks has heard
> the sound of a 440
> through a set of decent pipes.
> I am looking for a distinct sound:
> The sound I have in mind, is one of a quiet idle,
> maybe a slight deep
> rumble. The pipes also make another distinct sound
> sortof like small rain
> drops hitting a soda can, with each ignite. Who can
> direct me to the V-6
> version of this sound? Nice smooth Idle, slight cam
> lobe, but the silent
> tink of ignition. (No it isn't detonation. It is
> only audible at the rear of
> the pipes)
> Ideaas?
> Scott
Frank G
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