According to the little sheet hotchkis gave me this is the stock specs for
"Dakota/Durango 2wd"
Degrees Min Nominal Max
Camber -.12 .38 .88
Caster 3.20 3.90 4.60
Toe .03 .03 .13
Cross Camber -.50 0.0 .50
Cross Caster -.50 0.0 .50
Total Toe .05 .15 .25
I think Toe Nominal is a mistake, it should probably be .08
Your steering wheel position is separate from alignment and probably needs
to be mentioned to you mechanic to get them to do any thing about it. Check
out you tires, funky wear can cause the steering wheel to be way off. I had
alignment problems with my Nissan pickup from the day I bought it to the day
the Dodge dealer took it from me, I hope you have better luck.
>Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 16:46:48 -0800 (PST)
>From: "William H. Hiatt III" <william@hiatt.net>
>Subject: DML: Alignment woes?
>Well, I think, or more appropriatly know my alignment is shot to hell.
>Nice of the people at the gas station to make the curb noticeable (Drove
>over it, instead of the dip that's 5ft away in the most AWKWARD position.)
>I did notice it seems that on the freeway now, it kinda like trakcs left
>to right and pulls. Any ideas? What else should I check. Can somebody send
>me the specs for a 2000 Dakota Club Cab 4.7L engine (Alignment specs)?
>Everyshop that aligns it (besides the delaer) has had the steering wheel
>off (Meaning, I can never go straight with the steering wheel stright, it
>has to be at like 12:30-2:30 o clock) Any ideas? Thanks for the help
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