On Wed, 6 Dec 2000 09:04:08 -0800, ron-wong@home.com ("Ronald Wong")
>Didn't someone say at one time that the PCM tables have to be updated to
>handle 24# injectors if your truck originally came with the 19# ones?
Unless you're running a SC or have done major mods to the engine, yes,
the PCM tables have to be changed. Look at my web page for all the
mods I've done to my engine. The 24's were still too much. I was
running below 10.0 A/F at WOT. Going back to the 19's brought my A/F
up to 12.0 and increased my rwhp from 242 to 250. A few minutes later
I removed the Quick D intake and went from 250 to 258. Putting on a
K&N Gen II, I still pulled 258.
Terry Herrin
14.425 @ 93.52, 258 rwhp
Wilmington, NC
Dakota R/T Club, Executive Board, SE Region
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