RE: Riceboy RuleZ

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Wed Dec 27 2000 - 22:35:34 EST

Bahahahah....someone was REALLy bored.

That's GOOD!! ;)

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
Subject: DML: Riceboy RuleZ

The Riceboy Rules

By: Slanter

Author Homepage:

Have you ever tried to argue with others and establish the superiority of
your car once and for all, only to find yourself handicapped by the fact
that you don't know anything about cars? Fortunately, you can still manage
to get your point across without all the research and thinking needed to
construct a sound arguement if you just adhere to a simple set of rules. If
you love your Honda and want more than anything else to make that Camaro
driver see things your way, just stick to these simple guidelines!


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