Re: Bambi Bit My Dak......

From: Tom (Silver89) (
Date: Thu Jan 04 2001 - 22:17:42 EST

Here in the city - you have to dodge late night drunks ripping through red
lights - not to mention the half million or so drivers that bribed their
driving instructors. heh heh Way to go Gov'na!

Barry Lawton wrote:

> On News Years Eve a large angry deer decided to try and stop my DAK by
> placing it's butt into my Grill. Well needless to say the Deer moved, but
> not befor doing $1119 worth of damage. Lucky for me I have zero deductable
> on my comprehensive insurance, but I have to drive a 90 Suberu for a week
> while it is in the shop.
> By the way I was not drinking, I was returning from picking up some late
> night vitals for my son and myself, I was only doing about 20-25mph and
> the deer got up and ran off into the woods to attack again another day.


"Its no joke Tuco, its a rope..."

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