RE: RE: TB modifications

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Wed Jan 17 2001 - 11:23:34 EST


One word of caution...if you've never done any porting work...don't try to
modify the TB by yourself. All it takes is one slip with the grinder/dremel
to really screw up the bores. If you can, take the TB to a local machine
shop and have them do the milling/grinding for you.

(I do have experience porting/modifying carbs and heads so please be careful
with the hand grinders on your TB' slip and $100+ later for a new TB)

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: DML: RE: TB modifications

So I have a question... If smoothing out the throttle body makes such a
good difference, how come they don't come that way out of the factory? I
can understand it being too expensive to produce them with an ultra smooth
finish, but couldn't they make 'em closer to what we're doing to them? What
are those ridges supposed to do anyway? Someone said they are
over-engineered... For strength I assume? Or for sound baffling? More
like Tod baffling...I can't figure it out. Is there some risk in taking
them out?

Anyway, this mod sounds like something I want to try.

This list sure is expensive... I wasn't planning on doing any mods. Now I
have a growing list of them...and I don't even *have* a Dakota yet! Twenty
days since my order...and counting.... -Tod

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