To the best of my knowledge, it seems that you have covered all the non-rebuild items. Though, if you are planning on putting extreme amounts of torque on your Tranny you might be wishing that you did do a rebuild. Your biggest concern will probably end up being the bands...Which given the fact that you have the Shift Kit, Tranny Cooler, and Deep Trans. pan...You have already addressed the major issues...Meaning that the shift kit will relieve stress on the bands, While the Tranny cooler and pan will help keep the tranny fluid temp. down allow for better lubrication of the internals. Hope this helps.
91' CC 4x4 318
>I will be installing a Trans-Go shift kit, Mopar
>aluminum deep pan, Redline synthetics and a cooler. Anyone have any other
>recomendations on ways to beef up the tranny,
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