so with 108k miles of WOT Jon Smith driving I should be using oil? only oil
I'm loosin is past the valve covers (fixed when i install RR's)
Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC
-OK, whatever..... he's got almost 100,000 on it.... Its not like its a
-crissis or anything, he's probably just got a valve guide seal worn or
-something silly like that.... for god's sake do you really expect it to run
-it 100% bran freakin new like it had 10 mi on it...... SURE, ok...... you
-know what, on second thought, you ARE right, he should pull the engine,
-rebuild it or put a bran new long block in it.... that will justify the
-extra 1.50 he has to spend every 3000mi on oil then......
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