I know. I saw it after I sent it
-- Miles Harris III Simi Valley, CA 01 Silver Dakota CC Sport, 2.5L, 5speed 01 Gold Saturn SC1 (3 door coupe) 1.9L SOC, 4speed auto http://www.spikesautos.homestead.com/Dak1.html Profile: http://www.twistedbits.net/WWWProfile/dakota/PfCA4R1zO470w.Alex Harris <jetcity@swbell.net> wrote in article <B6C40370.23F19.199642e+2804tcity@swbell.net>... > That one was already on the list... "She's a he" > > > From: Miles Harris <spikes_duall@hotmail.com> > > > > And the girl was a guy (or was it the other way around) in the Crying > > Game.. > > >>>>> While we're at it: > >>>>> Vader is Luke's father, but later dies > >>>>> Neo really is The One > >>>>> They drive off the cliff > >>>>> She's a he > >>>>> They blow up the asteroid just barely in time > >>>>> The asteroid slams into Earth > >>>>> The time machine gets destroyed, but Doc has built another one and shows > >>>>> up right after > >>>>> Maverick gets his confidence back and woops some commie @$$ > >>>>> > >>>>> And the most shocking movie ending that you never saw coming... > >>>>> That big boat? It sinks after it hits the iceberg. And yes, Leo buys > >>>>> the farm (woohoo!). > >>>>> > >
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