Kyle Kozubal wrote:
> What is going on here? I have an
> Bosch 02 Sensor I am going to install this week; probably once I get home
> from work actually(weather pending). Hopefully I can get to work in the
> morning! HELP!
> Parts replaced since this problem started:
> -TPS Sensor
> -MAP Sensor
> -AIS Sensor
> -Dist. Pickup Coil, aka 'Hall Effect' Sensor
> -Autolite Copper Plugs
> -NAPA Brass Dist. Cap
> -NAPA Dist. Rotor
Damn Kyle - you have had some luck huh. I wouldn't be able to sleep for sure
considering all that. Battery and CKP (crankshaft) sensor would be next for
me. The battery is easy enough to test - just swap it w/a known good one if you
have one around. I actually thought you had already changed the CKP sensor as I
seemed to recall it mentioned before... I'm leaning towards those two because
both could cause you to have a "no-start" type situation. In your debugging,
concentrate on the "no-start" problem as the driveability problems can have so
many more causes and the "no-start" ones are a smaller set of possibilities -
and you've got alot already. On a '96 or later, we would get a check engine
light indicating CKP signal loss if that were it - '93 computers must be even
dumber than our '96s. You mentioned fuel and spark are ok - qualify that. Fuel
pressure STAYS within +/- 5psi of 49.5psi? (thats my '96 fp spec - dunno
exactly what the '93s are expecting). I mount a fp gauge to the test port and
clip it under the windshield wiper for full drive-cycle testing. It should be
extremely steady, rock solid, not varying even with rpm. If it does - your
system may be modulating the voltage supply to the pump which would explain why
you have went through so many pumps. Sparks when? Mount an inductive pickup
light that you can see while driving to verify that it is following rpms
nicely. Hey I know it might look ugly but you are already a redneck right? 8).
Good Luck,
-- '96 IndyRam-HisIndy-MPI/TB/Pulleys/AccelCoil/MPComp/HookerSuperComps/CompTAs '96 IndyRam-HerIndy-numbered(#142)"Track Truck" '74 Triple-Black Dodge Challenger Rallye 360 home-brew EFI R&D vehicle '68 Black Corvette Convertible 427 (For Sale)
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