While I was researching buying my truck I had some friends (who are Toyota
to the bone) give me a hard time about all the research that I was doing and
then still ending up with a North American brand truck.
Two weeks ago they asked if I could come over to talk about my research.
Went over and we talked, it turns out that they found their Toyota is too
small and underpowered (they just bought it used 8 months ago), and they
were interested in what I thought about my truck. Of course they started
out by saying that they didn't think my truck was that much bigger then
theirs, so the tape measure came out. Gee, 4 1/2 inches more between the
wheel wells, 5 inches longer in the box, and oh so much more space in the
cab. So at that point they really had to start thinking because it wasn't a
Toyota after all.
So yesterday I am at my dealer getting some touch up paint (damn sand and
gravel on the roads) and there they were about to take a Dakota for a test
drive. I chuckled a little bit and went for lunch. After lunch I noticed
that they were still there so I went back just as they were handing the
dealer a deposit cheque. The dealer must of thought I was absolutely nuts
as I broke out laughing and continued on laughing for about 5 minutes.
2001 Intense Blue Sport+ CC 4x4 4.7l 5-speed (Converting Toyota owners one
at a time!)
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