I have 94500 on my truck and went over to synthetic (with the Mobil 1
filter) about 500 miles ago. Hopefully that wasn't a mistake. I haven't
noticed any problems yet. I got the truck last summer so I have no clue
what the person before me used. The oil pressure seems to be the same as it
was after I filled it.
94 Dak Sport V6, 3.9L, Auto, K&N, Mobil 1.
Original Message
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 08:52:53 -0500
From: Al & Jeanna Figols <ALJF@mhonline.net>
Subject: Re: DML: More on the Syntec/Mobil 1 story
Thinking back, I had a similar situation in a Fiero GT I had about 8
years ago. It never burned any oil until I started using Mobil 1 in
which case I seemed to loose about 1 quart between oil changes(every 3K
miles). This was on a fully broken in modified engine. I had switched
to synthetic because I wanted to get rid of the cold start lifter tap
that was being caused by the HP valve springs and high ratio rockers I
had. It solved that problem, but other than that I couldn't notice a
difference between synthetic or carbon based oil. In anycase, one thing
that was mentioned to me at the time was the fact that many racers don't
use synthetic because, with the lack of a carbon base, you don't get a
perfect seal around the piston rings. I was told that the carbon base
in standard oils actually increase the sealing of your piston rings.
I think it's possible that you may be experiencing the same problem due
to the fact that Castrol "full synthetic" is actually manufactured with
a "highly refined" carbon base(but legally they can still call it
synthetic). An artical in Car & Driver recently by patrick bedard
brought this little bit of news to my attention. Aparently, from what I
remember, Mobil 1 is the only truly full synthetic out there so you may
just be blowing right by the rings due to the addied lubrication of it.
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