Re: Re: Stupid, was, what is the fastest speed anyone has gone here?

Date: Fri Apr 06 2001 - 00:47:56 EDT

In a message dated 04/05/2001 10:22:08 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

<< If there are any young DML'rs reading,
 don't be stupid like I was, I got lucky that I am still alive. You might not
 be so lucky.
 P.S. I absolute fastest I have ever been (safely) was flying right seat in a
 Beech King Air 400, I had it redlined at 300+ knots at 70% power. (300 knots
 = 350 mph) I made it from Toledo, OH to Auburn, IN in 20 minutes. That was a
 blast! >>

Being a young 16 year old punk. I know how crazy kids are. After the hours
at Burger King, I drive my Dakota on the road like an old lady.

Can't quite remember my Dad's record for Denver to Pueblo, but I seam to
remember around 400 knots being his airspeed. Flying is the best...I would
even sell my Dakota for a small single prop. Of course then I couldn't get
to the airport.

1997 Dodge Dakota
5.2L V-8, (318)

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