Re: need audio help

From: Chuong Nguyen (
Date: Tue Apr 10 2001 - 22:39:39 EDT

What did you do? To my knowledge, the enclosure on the "tool tray" is not
sealed. The left one where the jack is actually is open underneath (which
would render your "Box" useless)

Unless you're gonna run Free Air or Open Air subs where it doesn't need a
baffle to create noise, you're not going to get anything out of your current
setup. If you REALLY want to use it. I'd go back and bondo or fiberglass
the tool tray shut so no air can escape.

Also, the tool tray is VERY thin. It'll cause vibrations with lower notes,
so why not shell out some $$$, save yourself from the headaches and go buy
an MTX thunderform? shuold be about 225 unloaded or 399 loaded with
2-T-6000 subs.

PS. home audio and car audio differ greatly. Notice how big of a box your
"little" home theatre sub is in? also, it has a lot to do with the amount
of open air space in that huge room compared to a car's small interior room.
  That's why the smaller home theatre sub sounds louder...
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