Re: Moving to OH--how to prepare?

Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 01:03:20 EDT


         Hey its good to hear about people moving into Ohio. We do use a
lot of salt depending where you are at, over here in the NorthEast part of
the state is pretty crazy. But I live on the outside of the snow belt, I am
not sure how much snow Dayton gets during the winter. I know if the west
side gets 3 or more inches they shut the city down (sad attempt at humor).
I use the 3M under coating, but this was my first winter with the truck, it
seemed to work well though. I can't remember off the top of my head if
studded tires are allowed, I know chains aren't. Good luck with the move,
if you get a chance come to the Ohio meet on May 19th and welcome to Ohio

-Matt Grose
97 RC 4x4 V6 Sport
South Euclid, OH

At 07:04 PM 4/11/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Well, the Air Force tells me it's time to move. Looks like I'll
>be heading to Wright-Patterson AFB north of Dayton in Ohio come
>August. Anybody on the DML from around there? Obviously I'll
>arrive during the good weather, but since I can't help myself
>from scheming and wondering and since I'm all caught up on my
>DML mail, I'll ask some "long range" questions. What I really
>want to know is how you people with hard-core winters prepare
>and protect your Dak? For instance, I've heard that in OH they
>salt the roads to get rid of the ice--how do you keep your Dak
>from rusting in these conditions? Should I plan on doing an
>undercoating or do you take it to the car wash every week? . . .
>or maybe I should just buy a beater for the winter? Are studded
>tires allowed (they were in Oregon where I'm from) and/or are
>chains necessary? I'd appreciate the input.
>Vegas '98 CC 5.2L 5spd 4x4 w/prerunner bumper
>Check my
>Check my pics:
>(real webpage coming soon)
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