"\(MAGNUM S/T\)" <hoegen@kersur.net> wrote:
: ....Went and 'returned' the Robert Shaw 330-180 and exchanged it for the
: 370-180...guess what...there is NO WAY the 370-180 will fit!!...I'm a little
: frustrated that the 370-180 stock number kept getting mentioned ( by a
: number of members) in the list as the correct one...only to find that it was
: not. As I don't think people are lying, is it possible that the 99 V6s DO
: have a different size T-Stat???? Those of you who did use the 370-180, what
: engine year and size do ya have????
: **The Robert Shaw GT755-180 appears to have the correct dimensions (I
: grabbed this one just in case :-))Thanks Ron for the alternate
: number!**Strange thing is that U listed this as an alternate if I couldn't
: find the 370-180...but these 2 T-Stats look totally different in size &
: shape!
: The 330-180 and the 370-180 are listed as Robert Shaw "Extra Performance"
: T-Stats...whereas the GT755-180 is a Generation 2 T-Stat. From what I have
: gathered recently, the optimal type T-Stat would be the 'performance' not
: the Gen-2, hence the name :-)
: Bernd......as you seem to have a resource for information...is there a
: cross-reference between the GT755-180 and a Robert Shaw 'extra performance'
: T-Stat??
: By the way, here are the dimensions of my STOCK 190 T-Stat:
: The flange diameter is ~2" (I used a measuring tape so this is my best
: guess)
: Please note: The 330-180 and the 370-180 have a cylindrical bottom with NO
: spring exposed......this is NOT the same as the stock T-Stat. The stock
: T-Stat has the same appearance as the GT755-180, which has the spring
: exposed with a "U" shaped bracket holding it in place.
: I hope the information I have provided will lead to the correct T-Stat
: number being determined for a Robert Shaw "performance" T-Stat. In closing
: I'd like to mention a suggestion regarding part numbers on the DML. I think
: it is important to mention the SIZE and YEAR of the engine when you list a
: part number. I realize we all have a certain degree of common sense, and in
: many cases the engine size doesn't matter, but I have seen a number of posts
: where people simply list a part number as correct, without realizing that it
: may be different depending on year and size of engine. Granted the T-stat
: isn't a huge deal...as I could always just get a standard one....but I
: believe many (*newbies in particular) use this list as a resource for parts
: etc...and I'd hate for us to start loosing credibility because we are
: passing along erroneous info, or at least info which is misrepresented. This
: becomes increasingly important because we have a whole gamut of Dak owners
: GenI, II, III ....oh and the 4.7s who are in a class of their own (not a
: criticism :-), if anything I have envy).
: ...just my .02
I agree 100%.0 False information is worse than counterproductive; too
much of this and the integrity of the list itself will fall into question.
I have been following this thread with a good deal of interest, as I have
seen part numbers thrown around that just seemed plain wrong (both in this
thread, and in posts in the past). I'm not pointing any fingers
here, I would just like to suggest that before anyone posts some info,
unless you are sure of it, don't pass the info off as a "sure thing".
That's not to say that you shouldn't post if you don't have all the answers;
a "maybe" is better than nothing! But, just put some wording in there
like "I think" or "I'm not sure", etc.
I have held back from posting so far for that very reason; this whole
thread has been extremely frustrating (especially for Kevin I'm sure) ;-)
but I didn't feel I had enough info to contribute myself. I spent some
time on Autozone's web site to try and dig up some of the answers; and
despite some anomalies (I think their web site is on crack) ;-) I believe
I have them...
HERE is the thermostat situation for Dak V8s and V6s, as I understand it:
(These are all Autozone/Robert Shaw part numbers)
330-180: I have seen a couple of posts from people who have said they
installed this t-stat in their 4.7 V8s. Perhaps this is the
origin of this P/N. I can't confirm wether or not this is
the proper t-stat for the 4.7, but it definitely is *not* listed
as the proper t-stat for the 3.9/5.2/5.9.
370-180: This part number has been thrown around a lot, but the only
Daks this is applicable to are those with 5.2 or 5.9 V8s which
have been equipped with the Mopar Performance MPI intake
400-180: *THIS* is the part number which is listed as the proper t-stat
for the 3.9/5.2/5.9.
GT755-180: This is the "generation two" version of the 400-180.
Note: The "180" in the above part numbers is the heat range, and referrs
to the degrees F at which the t-stat will open (approximately).
"195" is the stock range; there is also a "160" available for
most (if not all) of the above part numbers.
The above info was gleaned from personal experience and a painful
search across many different model years at Autozone's web site. If
there is any problem with the above info, please speak up. It is my
belief, however, that the above is the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth. Now can we please stop throwing around incorrect
part numbers? ;-)
.---- Jon Steiger ------- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -----. | Affiliations: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA; Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly 447 | `------------------------------------------ http://www.jonsteiger.com ----'
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