QC weighs about 4500 empty (just a guess, you didn't say 4x4 or 2WD), plus
probably 1200 pounds of people. That Tacoma probably had 1/2-3/4 ton advantage
on you. Fair guess he's got a stick and a rear end that makes the 4-banger
accelerate almost decently.
Josh Garrison wrote:
> Course, I did have six adults in my truck!;) I have a 2001 QC with the V6,
> guess it's time for some mods! Is the weight difference that big of a
> factor? I thought I could handle him for sure even with 6 guys. He had 2
> guys with him and walked away pretty good. This was from a light and I
> caught back up with him at about 60 but I don't know if he let off on the
> gas or not. Oh well, just thought I would let you guys know to watch out
> for those 4-bangers!!!;)
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