so we are meeting at the steak place across from gate 1 at the fairgrounds
after the races...See ya there!
I can't even sit still anymore :-)
Tim Althoff
99 Solar Yellow RC V-6 Manual
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET
[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET]On Behalf Of George T. Geissinger
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 7:14 AM
To: dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET
Subject: Re: DML: Carlisle schedule (when we get'n together)
It's acroos from gate 1 at the fair grounds. There isn't much near the track
just woods. We just walk there from our spots on the show field / flea
market. One other good thing is it is fast you stand in a short line 0 - 6
people to get the steak. the rest is buffett, just grab!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "yllwdkta" <>
To: <dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: DML: Carlisle schedule (when we get'n together)
> ok lets meet at the steak place since it's right across the street.
> George, where is the steak place (across from the track???). Are you
> that we just park there and then walk across to the races? Make sure
> everyone knows that we are going to eat there. Look for petes white
> at the track...
> Tim Althoff
> 99 Solar Yellow RC V-6 Manual
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET
> [mailto:owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 9:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: DML: carlisle schedule (when we get'n together)
> "yllwdkta" <> wrote:
> : hey Jon what's the restaurant name you talking about in Dillsburg...
> : Also George suggested a place across from the track (I think) The Long
> horn
> : Steak Buffet
> : any suggestions!!!
> I'm not sure what the name of the place in Dillsburg is; I just
> mentioned it since that's the only place I have any experience
> with in Carlisle. :-) (Its the one right next door to the Rodeway Inn)
> This Steak Buffet place sounds good though, it would probably be even
> better since its a lot closer to Carlisle than the Dillsburg place is...
> --
> -Jon-
> .---- Jon Steiger ------- or
> -----.
> | Affiliations: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA; Rec & UL Pilot -
> |
> | '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly 447
> |
> `------------------------------------------
> ----'
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