Whats an estimate on the powerslot rotors??
now that i could do...... would CO2 get it cold enough??... I got that stuff
by the truck load!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven T. Ekstrand" <cyberlaw@earthlink.net>
To: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:26 PM
Subject: DML: Re: warped rotors
> Our brakes bite. Some have gone to Powerslot rotors. Some of the road
> racers like to cryogenically treat their rotors (freeze them). This is
> supposed to work well especially in stock classes limited to OEM rotors.
> Unless you live in a major city, probably tough to find a place to do this
> and shipping is costly and time consuming...
> -STE
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