Hi, I have a 95 Dakota with the 3.9L 4x2 and a crapped out
transmission. Since I already have to buy a new tranny what would be
involved in throwing in a 318 or 360 since my truck is out of comission? I
live in Wisconsin so the emissions regulations are much stricter than
elsewhere in the country aside from California. Where can I find out the
regulations for putting in a larger engine? I've done a few bolt ons to my
engine like exhaust and ignition. All that's left is a TB and rear end
gears. This engine just can't give me the performance I want. I couldn't
sell my truck for much without the trans so I pretty much have to throw
three grand into it for the tranny. How much would it cost for a new
engine? That would have to include the engine, exhaust manifolds, and
Any info you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated
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