whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc....
From: Punch/ Crash2000 (2punch.crash2000@home.com)
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 13:10:44 EDT
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flowmetrics or fastman? their both based on the v8 body??? price is the
IAT adjuster works better then the JET chip??
1998, Dodge Dakota, Deep Amethyst, CC,
V6, Sport, Homebrew K&N intake,
Gutter Guard grills, more to come!!!
- Next message: KatedralDeAguirre: "Re:Re: DML:brake light ABS"
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- Next in thread: Ronald Wong: "RE: whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc...."
- Reply: Ronald Wong: "RE: whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc...."
- Reply: Paul Macey: "Re: whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc...."
- Reply: Kevin: "Re: whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc...."
- Reply: Bernd D. Ratsch: "RE: whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc...."
- Reply: Mark Kuzia: "Re: whats the difference?? TB, chpi, IAT etc...."
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