The RPM surge is a bad TPS, get it replaced and it should clear up.
What kind of squeal is it? Real high-pitched? Checked the belt?
Ed Buxton wrote:
> In the morning, I get a squealing when the motor first
> starts. Depending on how cold it is, it can go on from
> 30 seconds to a minute or so. The dealer replaced the
> PVC to "supposedly" fix this problem. Any one ever
> have a problem like this? Seeing as it is only in the
> morning (not during a cold start in the afternoon)
> that it isn't a belt problem.
> Also, while cruising, my engine has now started to
> surge a couple hundred RPM's and then settles back
> down. Any ideas?
> 1999 CC with V6 and 37k
> Thanks
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