Re: 440 BB in a Dakota

Date: Tue Dec 25 2001 - 07:42:04 EST

In a message dated 12/24/01 12:54:02 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Well hell,
        I rolled my 76 RamCharger this weekend, it screwed up the windshield
 frame, so it's pretty much worthless, that'd be alot o welding to get it
 into drivab;le condition.. >>

First, I hope you are okay. Second, if Hot Rod can slap a 528 Hemi in
there, anything's possible.

Bill White -

THE BIONIC DODGE - 2000 Ram QC 1500 Sport, 408 Stroker, Vortech T-trim
blower, 'nuff sai

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