This is why at home you need an intrusion software that inspect each layer
of the IP packet for non-protocol attachments. If you have a virus on your
machine, it will not leave your
Steven St.Laurent
C2 IOW/IOS Engineer
C4i Engineering Branch, PSD, MCTSSA
Office (760) 725-2506 (DSN Prefix: 365)
"Never be content with somebody else definition
of you. Instead, define yourself by your own beliefs,
your own truths, your own understanding of who
you are. Never be content until you are happy with
the unique person GOD has created you to be."
-----Original Message-----
From: Rodney Lewis []
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 9:25 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: DML: RE: Any new viruses?
Sophos and Trend Micro are generally quicker on the draw with announcements
and fixes for new virii. I use NAV CE at the office and have spent many a
late night with my e-mail gateway shut down waiting on Symantec to release
an update. I'm evaluating Sophos right now as a replacement since my
Symantec license expires in a couple of months. There are a few worms out
there (most notably badtrans) which pluck subjects & text from e-mails in
your mailbox and use those when they re-mail themselves.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stlaurent Mr Steven [mailto:STLAURENTS@MCTSSA.USMC.MIL]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:15 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: DML: RE: Any new viruses?
Now that is interesting. You may what to send a response to Symantec Virus
Center and a copy of the e-mail.
Steven St.Laurent
C2 IOW/IOS Engineer
C4i Engineering Branch, PSD, MCTSSA
Office (760) 725-2506 (DSN Prefix: 365)
"Never be content with somebody else definition
of you. Instead, define yourself by your own beliefs,
your own truths, your own understanding of who
you are. Never be content until you are happy with
the unique person GOD has created you to be."
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Buxton []
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Any new viruses?
I did, but nothing was mentioned.
--- Stlaurent Mr Steven <STLAURENTS@MCTSSA.USMC.MIL>
> Hahahahahahaa. It is the MICROSOFT HQ area. Do not
> open it but delete it.
> Check at for the latest virus
> around the world.
> --------------------------------------
> Steven St.Laurent
> C2 IOW/IOS Engineer
> C4i Engineering Branch, PSD, MCTSSA
> MARCORSYSCOM, U.S. Marine Corps
> Office (760) 725-2506 (DSN Prefix: 365)
> "Never be content with somebody else definition
> of you. Instead, define yourself by your own
> beliefs,
> your own truths, your own understanding of who
> you are. Never be content until you are happy with
> the unique person GOD has created you to be."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Buxton []
> Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 8:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: DML: Any new viruses?
> Are there any new viruses going around? I got and
> email with a file attached from an unknown person
> and
> the subject is: Seattle, WA 98033. The body simply
> states:
> "I am sending you another resume and reference page.
> As of now, I have my name in the hat for the
> Oklahoma
> Offensive Line job and possibly the same at Kansas."
> Sounds awfully suspicious to me, but hadn't heard
> anything yet.
> Thanks
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