Hehehe...Thanks for the welcome Andy :) For once I did remember to take pictures while I was working on this project. Once I get them developed, I'll scan them and put them up on my website.
I also finished my throttle body project. While I waited for Autozone to get a part, I slightly enlarged the upper portion of the barrels and rounded the edges.
I must say, i can feel a difference. I had a stock V6 tb on for 30 miles or so, just to remember what it was like. Then I reinstalled my smoothed and shaved tb. Across the board, there was better and smoother response, more torque below 2k rpm, and it seemed like more power in the top end. After porting and rounding the edges, I have not lost anything, but it sometimes feels like so because there is such a dramatic improvement in the 2000-4000 rpm range. She really picks up and goes now, and there is no problem squeeling tires in 2nd or 3rd.
Mike Styer
>Mike Styer wrote:
>> Howdy folks,
>> My name is Mike Styer and I have a 1993 Dakota V6 5-speed 2 wheel drive
>All together now...hi, Mike... :)
>> Just this last week I replaced my entire engine. After 215,000 miles, my
>> timing chain slipped off and I bent all six exhaust valves.
>Got any pictures? This sounds impressive!
>It sounds like your thermostat may be stuck open, or otherwise not
>operating right. For $5 plus the fluids and your time, I'd replace the
>thermostat. It may not be the problem but you'll eliminate one possible
>point of failure.
>Maintainer, DML FAQ - http://www.dakota-truck.net/faq/
>'99 CC 4x4 318 auto
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