'03 SRT/10 500HP dodge Ram!?!??!

From: NVMYDakota@aol.com
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 01:31:44 EST

       jsut flipping through my new truckin this morning before work, and I
read that they are actually going to produce this bad boy... The 8.3L (505
CID i belive) 500HP/ftlb motor and six speed tranny out of a new viper
CRAMMED into a ram with 24" wheels (they had to make the 13-14" discs look

       Quater mile in 12.9 at 106 (all tire smoke apperently) o-60 is about 5
seconds (again no traction) skidpad of .92 G and slolmn(SP) speed of almost
70 mph, I really really want one... I think the new 4x4 is going to have to
go... I allready tlaked my dad into co-signin as a graduation gift next
june... that is if it's under 40ks... I jsut really really hope I can get
one, that would be so beyond badass!!!! AHHHHHH


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